
Curriculum Vitae

Gen Li

Mail   gen_li1993@163.com
Tel    +86 15620813268

I am a phd student in Transportation at Hiroshima University. My main focus is on combination of reinforcement learning and activity-travel modeling.

Zhihu Colmun


title university period
Ph.D. (candidate) Hiroshima University, JP 2022 - now
M.S University of Southampton, Uk 2016 - 2017
B.S. Dalian Maritime University, CN 2012 - 2016

📝Refereed Papers

Gen Li , Research on Optimization of Taxi Parking Location[J]. City Construction TheoryResearch, 2017(31).
Li, Gen, and Yuyu Deng. “Crowd Dynamics Analysis Using a Bio-inspired Model.” 2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Image Processing, Electronics and Computers (IPEC). IEEE, 2021.

💻Industrial Experience

title company period
software engineer COSCO Shipping Technology(中远海科) 2022
big data engineer Hangzhou Boolean Data(杭州首新) 2020 - 2022
research assistant Institute of Computing Technology CAS(中科院计算所) 2018 - 2019

✅Skill kit

✔️Big Data Technology Stack

  • Hadoop & Spark & Flink development and maintenance
  • Hive & HBase datawarehouse build , query and optimization
  • CDH construction and maintenance
  • Kafka message queue application and optimization
  • distributed algorithm theory Raft & MapReduce

✔️Programming Language

  • proficient in Java & Sql
  • certain experience in Shell & Python & Golang



GRE 319

updated 13 Oct, 2022